Me Lucky Not!

I always tell people I don't believe in luck. Though I admit sometimes I really want to believe that I have it with me, luck, that is. For me, everything happens for a reason, everything should be properly justified. Like if I tripped over a flat pavement in front of my ultimate crush's house who happens to be looking through his window down the street where I am in, it doesn't mean I'm unlucky. I was just plain clumsy or maybe I don't walk properly, or maybe I was too thrilled to see my crush that I forgot to walk or maybe the shoes I'm wearing might have some defects that made me trip over. There can be lots of explanations. Moot point: it's not about being lucky or not.

But once I get an achievement, everything changes. My point of view takes a 180 degree turn. For example graduating with honors, I never thought of it as something I worked hard for. I believe I was just plain lucky to have the recognition. Never in my wildest dream that I'll admit I deserve it nor I really aimed for it. Yes, I believe that was just luck.

I don't know. It's a bit twisted. Maybe I am just fooling myself. Maybe.

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