Why January 1 is Perfect!

Okay. So I was wrong. Turns out I'll be happy for the first day of the year (010111). Though I can't say it's a good sign that 2011 will be my year, not really. I'm not the type who asks and believes in signs cos for me everyday is a new day. So, why is January 1 is superb?

  • I woke up 11am. I had a very deep and long sleep.
  • I literally stayed on my bed until 5pm (with a few bathroom and water breaks).
  • I missed breakfast and lunch! I know it's wrong but it meant fewer calories to burn.
  • I talked to my favorite Japanese friend for a long time and told me today was not the last day for us to talk!
  • Someone played guitar and sang to me 3 times! Twice "I Wanna See You" by Abe Mao and "Imagine" of John Lennon. Well, the playing and the saying were not really FOR me. Someone just played and sang to me. Honestly, the whole time while listening I was smiling and my head was swinging side to side. I don't know, my body just reacted that way with the song "I wanna see you". But yeah, I was genuinely happy listening!
  • I saw snow in Japan real time! I mean yeah I see snow in movies and tv programs and all but it felt different because I saw it as it was happening. At first I thought it was just raining because the road was wet (almost deserted) and I really didn't see anything falling from the grey skies. After opening the window (after hearing the noise of a table being dragged closer the window?) I finally saw minute of white stuff falling from the skies! (that I assume quickly melts on the ground hence the wet road) Sigh! I was genuinely excited and happy seeing it! (crazy right?) He got so cold and everything just so I can see the snow. *smiles* Arigatougozaimashita!

But honestly, just having the chance to talk to him again really made my day! Ah, talking about the power of communication. It was just perfect. I don't want to hope but I think unconsciously I'm hoping 2011 will not just be a good, normal year for me but a year that will overshadow 2010 (I graduated, got my first job and got my license). I don't want to hope but I think unconsciously I'm hoping 2011 will be the year I'll grow holistically (HINT: ai). Gosh, it's something out of my hands.

To 2011, please be great to me! Onegaishimasu!

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